Sunday, January 3, 2010

Rebirth of Common Courtesy

Ok, so it is not exactly reborn, but maybe rediscovered, unearthed, relocated.

It is nice to be in a place where people do say please and thank you, where they always look you in the eye, where people go out of there way to be polite and courteous. It is nice to be in a place where horns don't get honked, tires don't screech, and patience is a virtue possessed by many.

I really had begun to believe that common courtesy was gone, which is why I wrote the piece "The Death of Common Courtesy," but apparently my declaration of the death of common courtesy was greatly exaggerated, to poorly paraphrase a mildly famous quote.

What a treat to be in a place where common courtesy is so common.

Thank you again for getting this far with me.

Gone But Not Forgotten

Sometimes it feels like a dream. Sometimes just a distant memory. For the longest time it wasn't even there.

For too long I have given myself away, let people take too much, become someone else for someone else, or simply gotten lost in trying to be everything for the person, or people, I was with, and so the long, strange journey of trying to get back to where and who I was once upon a time continues in earnest.

Every once in a while I get a true glimpse, or a remarkably familiar felling. Every once in a while I actually catch myself having fun, or almost feeling happy. The key there was every once in a while and almost.

It has been a bit over three years since moving to a desolate and deserted island where everything was different and nothing and no one I knew existed. Three years of every ounce of energy being put into something that for the most part only I wanted, or Sage and I. Three years of nothing else mattered, life standing still, ignoring the assholes and just getting the job done. Three years of putting up with incompetence everywhere, little or no support, but more each year, just from those that knew the truth, and knew what it took, not from those whom should have gushed their support.

When those three years followed two of anything and everything for one specific person that needed, and asked for, the help, which followed three years of more doing everything and anything for the job, and the players, and the students, which followed eight years of global insanity, and two failed almosts.

Wait, I have lost count, how many is that, sixteen or so, and that is actually just as far back as I care to go.

"Free at last, free at last, thank god almighty we are free at last." Somehow that just has felt very appropriate these days. Not so long ago I was twenty two and invincible. Oh well.

Thank you again for getting this far with me.