Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Hostess with The Mostess

There is no better food than the Hostess Powdered donettes!!  This is a food group unto itself, and a food group that I went away from for a very long time.  I do not know why!!

Thank you again for getting this far with me...even though this one wasn't actually very far.

Monday, January 31, 2011


For those that have wondered, I have done six rather large paintings this winter, been working and coaching, so had to stop writing for a while.  I now have painters block, as a large, very large, canvas sits on the easel, so away we go here again.

Thank you again for getting this far with me.


Awoke early feeling the need to clarify what I wrote last night, even though I never even read what I write.

I am attracted to women, always have been always will be.  For the most part I am disgusted and embarrassed by what asses most men make of themselves, and oh by the way, I have always been and will always be a one woman man, and would love to be off the market soon Stanford!!

Thank you again for getting this far with me.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Saying It Out Loud

I can no longer tell a lie, I like women!!  Always have, always will.  When I was younger I used to get in trouble at the beach because my cousin and I, rest in peace Ant, used to peek over the divider at the cabana at the "older" women showering.  My guess would be that older then was anyone with breasts.

There is an unbelievable irony to what I am writing, for two reasons, one, every man on the planet, heterosexual man on the planet, likes women from 18 to 38, for some 48, and it does not change.  The younger the guy the lower the top part of the range is, and most men try to put this off, or won't admit it, but it is true of all.  I just say it out loud because I have never hidden anything about myself from anyone.  Two, I can't stand the way most men are today.  The way they act, the way they treat women, the fact that 98 % of the men on the planet do not know how to flush a toilet!!

I don't drink, don't smoke, try very hard not to swear in front of women, open doors, all the things I was taught growing up, and yet somehow being honest about the basic human biological, and visual, fact that I am attracted to women gets me in trouble.  Oh by the way, add to that that I do believe in basic social courtesies, like saying hello, asking someone how they day is, and so on.  What is funny is that when I say to a 60 or 70 year old man "how are you today young man," and give him a smile and try to lighten his day, nobody cares.  If I am in my coaching attire and offer young kids a high five nobody seems to care.  Do the same thing with a woman of the "wrong" age and I am "creeping" on them.  Horeshit!!

I like women.  I am glad I do.  I don't like how much trouble they have caused me in life, but other than that I like the way they look, I like the way they smell, I like it when they are a little crazy, and I do not see anything wrong with that, and so I am saying it out loud!!  I no longer care if society thinks it OK.

Thank you again for getting this far with me,