Tuesday, July 27, 2010

47 and Counting

I am 47 now, have been for 11 minutes.  Actually, since I was born in Providence, and not at midnight, I am +/- 47 at the moment, but in a few hours it will definitely be official.

I am actually excited about this birthday, but not for any reason that any normal person would be, I am excited about it because 47 was the first number I wore playing football, as a middle linebacker and running back on the freshman football team.

I know this is a lame reason to be happy about a birthday, but so be it.

Actually, I just thought of another reason to be happy about this birthday, and that is because I have someone in my life that I know for certain loves me unconditionally, and that is a great feeling to have, no matter who you are, and no matter if that someone is a cat!!

Yes, I speak of Bella, but you all probably knew that already.  Bella is just simply awesome, someone I hope is with me for a long time, and someone who makes my life better.  Actually, she is definitely exactly the way the woman would be that I would marry and share my life with...oh well!!

Anyway, just thought I would share a couple of very bizarre thoughts related to my 47th.

Thank you again for getting this far with me.