Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Winds They Are a Changing

Destination Boise, ID.

Wanderlust. Into the wild. Go West my son.

Who knows how many different ways people have expressed the want for adventure, the yearning for the great unknown. We are a strange animal humans. People don't like change. People are afraid of change. People resist change...and yet...

I don't know what I am searching for, and I don't know if I will ever find it, but if I stop looking I am pretty sure one of two things will happen, it will find me, or my spirit will die and me along with it. Not exactly sure which it is, but as soon as I know I will share the answer with you...depending I guess.

For now, I know the next stop is Boise, ID. For how long...

As a consultant I have seen all the resistance to change you can imagine. In my life, I have been a constant contradiction, both resisting and thirsting. I hope that when I find the middle I will know.

Thank you again for getting this far with me.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

It Is Not About You

For another steadfast and overly consistent friend.

“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one."

I know, Star Trek quotes are not exactly literary, but this one is so profoundly true, at least in my mind, that I have to throw this out there for you to chew on.

When people act in such a fashion as to improve their own situation, standing, comfort level, and do so in utter conflict to what is best for those around them, something needs to be done, said, to right that wrong. Too many times in today's world are people allowed to build their own little kingdoms, or "queendoms," because it is easier for all those involved. Unfortunately more often than not those in the crossfire get hurt, and lose far more than they gain and hardly ever even know what they have lost.

We should all be held to a standard that forces us to put others first, and others' best interest first. We should all be forced to recognize that nothing is ever as it seems, or at least not exactly as it seems, and that there is most likely a truer, more important truth out there for all to see and learn from.

Too often today people are allowed, especially young people (ok, now I am officially old), to take the easy route, not finish what they start, not see things through, not attempt to be better people, better citizens, better colleagues, better "teammates," in the process of becoming successful. We let them feel as though they have won some mystical battle, when all that has happened is that no one wants the responsibility, or the personal discomfort of telling them they are wrong, or of showing them the "real" truth, the true lesson.

"Perception is reality." A much used phrase, a very popular phrase among those that are in a position to manage, guide, teach, and one that is only true because we allowed it to be so.

At some point the world has to scream ENOUGH, and start taking absolute responsibility for what we have all created, or the "kings" and queens" of the world will be allowed to muddle on as they always have, and continue to do so much harm and damage that our country and our world will never recover.

Thank you again for getting this far with me.

Moral Code

This was not the plan. Every day, then every week, now once a month. I plan to get better at this again and more consistent, but for now here we are.

This one is pretty simple, and for a friend that has always been consistent, never faded, always been in my corner and believes a great deal more in me than I do.

I have said before that I not perfect, not even close, and when it comes to living by a "moral code," I have slipped more often than I like to think, but my friend is right about the basic concept.

I do believe, very much so, that there are very clear lines between right and wrong, and while the ones the line that exists for big things, like how to be a human being and be kind, caring and respectful of others, is very important.

There are things that should never be said, period. There are things that should never be done, no matter what, ever. There is a way to act in the privacy of your own home, and then a higher standard in public, and then an even higher standard in "mixed" company.

Is this "old fashioned?" Sure, I guess. Has the world changed? Yes. Has it changed for the better? In this sense, not at all, in any way, or any fashion. Is it better in some parts of our country and the world than others? Unfortunately, yes.

I was recently allowed the opportunity to spend some time observing a great man, and a great coach, and someone that has endured a great deal in his life, and persevered. This man very much lives by this code, and he instills this in his players, and in every player, student, young man, that he has the opportunity to come in contact with. I watched this Gentlemen address a group of young people, and college players, and youth and college coaches, and his message was, to paraphrase, be a good person, and be a good teammate, "open a door for a teammate." I am not certain, but fairly much so, that he meant that figuratively, as well as quite literally.

There is right and wrong, and anybody that tells you different, or believes different, is part of the problem we face in the world today. This is not about censoring, or restricting ones right to be free, this is about reeducating the world on what is good, kind, moral human behavior, and what isn't, and how important, necessary, vital, to our planet it is to for everyone to try and be the kindest person on the planet because then even though nobody can be perfect, at least we have a chance if everyone is trying.

"Look out for number 1." I believe that statement should be look out for number 2 because if everyone did that then everyone would be looked out for in return.

Thank you again for getting this far with me.