Tuesday, January 14, 2014

It is Better to Have Loved...

I am now on the other side of the hill, and it is amazing to me that I have recently realized each relationship I have had up to this point, and there are just a few of meaning, have simply been a precursor to what was waiting, so that I would recognize true beauty, caring, thoughtfulness, sweetness, when it walked into my life, or I guess to be accurate I was the one that walked in, but that is really just semantics.

I kills me that my family, who never thought that any woman was ever god enough for me, would turn out to be at least somewhat right, in that yes there was something much, much better waiting for me.  A woman that has made me realize that true beauty does indeed lie within, but not usually mentioned is that it shines through like when the sun and the clouds conspire to show the world that yes there is a God, and that he is speaking directly to us.  A woman that every single time some little tiny thing is done for her appreciates it immensely, something as silly and small as opening a door for her, and a flower, well that is monumental, or at least she makes me feel that way.  It is simply wonderful that I have met someone that does not need or expect a great deal at all, nor does she really want it.  She would much prefer to make the absolute most out if whatever she has, and she views the older car that she drives, the car with power steering that does not work, and no heat at all as an absolute blessing, as it is transportation for her and her son and that is all that matters.

I am not sure why it took me this long to find such a person and to be shown that most of what people focus on and care about is not really what matters at all, but rather it is the true spirit of a person that shines through for everyone to see, the unshakable will of a woman that believes above all else in what truly matters and lets that belief drive her, fuel her, in all the amazing work she does.

None of this is to say that beauty does not matter, it matters a great deal, and most people, not all, will at least admit this to themselves, but it is true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I have beheld true beauty inside and out.  I am amazed at every smile, and every loving look from her eyes.  I am amazed that holding her hand can send a soothing, calming agent through my entire body, and turn my legs to jelly.  I am amazed that her voice could be so sweet and soothing and that I could want to hear every word, and never want to stop conversing.  I am even amazed, given today's technology, that if she would let me I would TEXT back and fourth with her all night long because I am always interested in what she will say next, what she will share!!

I know all this now, and I have enjoyed every second of every minute of every day we have known each other, and so it is in fact better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all, even if the end result is still the same!!

Thank you again for getting this far with me!!