Friday, September 4, 2009

Rearview Mirror

How nice it is to be able to always be looking forward, always be anticipating the next great challenge, always be happy with where one is and where one is going.

How many of us actually get to do that? How many of us can't stop looking in the rearview mirror as we continue down our individual roads? It is a tough way to drive. I am not suggesting anyone ever try this in real life, but it would be awfully hard to drive down the road looking in the rearview mirror the whole time and actually get where we are going, or even get anywhere without causing a major wreck.

Ok, so I guess I just figured out why it is I am where I am on my particular journey, and not where I thought I would be. All I can do now is keep trying to spend more time looking out the windshield and less time in the rearview mirror.

Thank you again for getting this far with me.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Catching Up

A month has gone by since I have written a word, or at least since I have published a word, for the two of you that read this blog I am sorry it has been so long. This month has seemed much longer, both in missing the writing, craving it, and in where I have been and in the distance and time covered with two simple trips.

I will write shortly about pieces of those trips, thoughts and memories evoked, people and places visited. I will write shortly about other things as well, I hope.

Thank you for reading what came out in the first two months. I hope you will enjoy what comes next. We will all find out what that is as it happens.

Thank you -- once -- again for getting this far with me.