Monday, December 9, 2013

Where I Am

It is amazing how much certain, smells, sounds, a piece of music can instantly transport you to a different place and time.

I just opened up Spotify to pick something to listen to as I needed help to stay focused and the third listing I clicked was George Winston's December.  Given the six degree day we are having, and the snow outside it seemed fitting, but as soon as the first track came on, Thanksgiving, I was instantly in my car in the early AM almost a decade ago heading for Okemo Mountain Resort.  I could see rt 131 clearly in front of me.  I could here, feel and smell my car as I made my way to "work."  I say it that way because teaching skiing for a living is not work in any way shape or form.  It is getting paid, and tipped very well, to hang out with people that want to become better skiers.  From the very old, 86, to the very young, 4, it just does not matter, or it didn't matter, just get them going up the lift and down in the safest and best fashion possible and keep them smiling while doing so.

I was fortunate to have two distinct periods of such "work," and both years were amazing experiences, times I will never forget, and it makes me wonder why I ever gave up that path, let alone twice.  No you can not get rich teaching skiing, and perhaps you can't even pay the bills.  Teaching skiing only gets harder as one gets older, or so I imagine, I have not tried it in a while, but being outdoors every day all day long.  Meeting new people, being an "ambassador" for the hill!!

Life to me sometimes is very much like long car rides when you space out for a bit and then wonder "how'd I get here already," as you look up and it takes you a minute to realize you are miles and miles down the road with no real recollection of time passing.

You are where you are, and it is what it is, but sometimes it just does not make a great deal of sense from where I once was??

Thank you again for getting this far with me.

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