Thursday, June 25, 2009

Crazy Little Things We Do

When I was younger I used to be somewhat hyperactive, and as I say this people who know me are throwing things at their computers, screaming and swearing and saying out loud “what do you mean used to be, and somewhat.” Ok, so they are right, I am still hyper active and there is no somewhat about it in any way, but I have mellowed a little. The problem is that as I have gotten older, now squeaking past the mid-forties mark ever so slightly, I have truly become the strangest combination of my mother and my father, with strangest being grossly redundant, and as I woke up early this morning and the adrenaline kicked in from having worked late, or early into the AM, and then three hours later feeling as though it was time to get up and start working, I chose to call my mother to say good morning, which is ok because she is three hours ahead of me these days. The rest of this rambling will all be from one split second thought at the end of that very interesting, sleep deprived conversation.

Whenever I speak to my mother she tends to sign off with “I love you very much,” which most people would not find odd at all, and I never have until this morning, not really odd as just plain funny. It is not that she loves me that I find funny, although someone I know out here will tell you that you don’t love other people, you are love and it is everywhere, but that is a very different conversation entirely. What struck me as funny is that I have never heard anyone say “I love you a little,” or “I love you once in a while,” or “I love you sort of,” “I love you on Tuesdays.” Actually now that I think about it, the middle of the three relationships that seem to have gotten me from college to where I am now, had a funny, cute, romantic comedy kind of moment in it when, as we walked up the stairs and reached the landing in the middle of the climb, I stopped her and said “------ I think I am in love with you,” and her reply was “I think I am in love with you too.” It was then some period of time, the exact length of which I cannot remember now, before we actually said I love you to each other without the qualifier or disclaimer. Sorry but just had to share that flashback with you.

Anyway, the whole I love you thing just made me laugh as it seemed not quite redundant, but at the very least “Blue Collar Comedyish.” I love you very much, I love you a lot, I love you completely and with all my heart, and on and on. I am a complete and total hopeless, helpless romantic, and I know I have used all sorts of “love additives” along the way to add more meaning or punch to those three little words, and it has never struck me as odd until just now, but it really just amuses me because again what else would you say.

Just thought I would share.

Thank you again for getting this far with me.

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