Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Technical Difficulties

This topic comes up now because I have had “issues” getting the last two posts out because of what I am referring to here as “technical difficulties.” What are technical difficulties? I am glad you asked. “Technical difficulties” are people that can’t find honest work, can’t find a life, have nothing better to do with their time, or their energies than feed of people through technology either for kicks, or money or both.

I would not exactly say I am a pacifist, but I have been in only one fight in my life, and that was under the influence of peers and rocket fuel and not something I am proud of in general, it was also almost thirty years ago. Most of the time I believe that reasoning with people is the way to go, but it seems more and more there are unreasonable people on this planet. “Spammers,” and internet “pirates,” are to me unreasonable, despicable, unwanted people.

I realize this is strong, but when you think about what these people do, and then you begin to think about the scale at which they do these things and it does start to make the blood boil. How many hours was I unable to work yesterday because of the amount of spyware that appeared almost instantly. Take that amount of time and then multiply it by millions of people every day, and even if the internet pirates are not getting any money from this, you are talking about millions of dollars, or probably billions of dollars lost every day by individuals that are just trying to make a living in a very uncertain economy. Then add to this the people that are not computer “savvy,” and you will find millions of people that have lost more than a few hours jumping through the hurdles that you need to in order to get your computer back to operational, but then hours, days, weeks, or months for some people to recreate what that do not have backed up, and in many cases you are talking about people’s lives and their livelihood lost to utter stupidity.

If Bill Gates and company, and the “Google boys,” and the rest of the billionaire clan that have built their empires, and their islands, and their castles, from the money that you and I spend every day on their products, can find the time to do the things they enjoy with the billions we have given them, then why can’t they dedicate some of those resources, and brainpower, to finding a way to put these ------- out of the “pirate”/spyware business forever, or is it because no one knows where this stuff is coming from and who the good guys and bad guys are? Has the internet become some crazy, perverse, cyber version of the old west where everyone was good and everyone was evil, it just depended on the day and who you asked.
Yes today I have played the role of angry blogger, but I just thought I should put this out there for people to think about. After I post this I will try to find reasonable e-mail addresses at Microsoft and Google to which I can send this post.

Thank you again for getting this far with me.

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