Thursday, October 1, 2009

Where's the Rush

Just a quick thought about Rush Limbaugh.  The other morning I was listening to the news on a talk radio station, having woken up early to hear this particular show.  I had spent the evening before with the two anchors of the show at a friends wine tasting dinner and they were going to be discussing the dinner and the restaurant on air so I tuned in.  The only problem was that they are on from six to nine AM.


I woke up at 5:30, tuned in the station and laid in bed waiting.  I heard them come on the air and surprisingly only one sounded a bit groggy, and was not the one that I would have guessed based on the wine consumption.  Anyway, I was laying in bed listening to the show, and I must have drifted off just before they discussed the event because I missed it.  For the next two hours I drifted in and out hearing their show, but also hearing this commercial for the Rush Limbaugh show which apparently follows theirs each morning.


Every time I heard this commercial I simply wanted to pick up the phone, in my half asleep haze, and tell Rush what a moron he is.  Sorry to those that like him, but he is.  His voice has always grated on me, no more so than when trying to fall back to sleep, and he comes up with some of the most aggravating views, or ideas, one could ever come up with, and they are nonsensical.


The one from that morning, that was in his commercial each time, was his view that President Obama's redistribution of wealth was hugely unfair to the "super rich," his term not mine, and a huge windfall for the "super poor."  What??  His example was even funnier because mathematically it made no sense.


Rush may in fact be right that the super poor will gain an average of $ 2000, and the super rich will lose on average $ 120,000, or whatever number he used for the super rich, again I was half asleep, but $ 2000 to someone that has no money is amazing and will absolutely change a persons life, $120,000, $ 200,000, it does not matter, to the super rich, is pocket change.  If the total annual income for an entire family is $ 20,000 a year than an additional 10 % is real money.  For multi-millionaires, or billionaires, $ 200,000 is at worst 1% of their income, or rounding error.


If Mr. Limbaugh wants to make arguments against redistribution, or "big government," or anything else, he should at least use a sound mathematical argument, something that can't be easily defeated by a fifth grader!!


Thank you again for getting this far with me.

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