Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Questions and Answers

A friend sent me these questions today and thought I would include the answers and perhaps some further explanation. The questions from today are italicizd, the original answers in bold.

What is your favorite...


Have you seen my paintings?? I like blue, and red, but I just like color.

Season of the year?

Fall for the leaves, Winter for the skiing and how crystally everything looks, the reflection of the sun off the ice on the trees, spring for the smell of promise, and summer for the warmth.


Thanksgiving for the food and Christmas for the giving. Although it has been a very long time since Thanksgiving has been as it was once upon a time, and Christmas has lost its spirit.


Skiing. Very few people get to know the shear joy of skiing, at level some of us are lucky enough to experience. The quiet of standing on top of a mountain, completely alone, long after all are gone. Looking out across most of Vermont, and some of Hew Hampshire, Lake Champlain with NY in the distance. Gliding down deserted trails catching the last glimpses of light as the day comes to an end. Or, standing, quite literally, on the edge of the Alps seperating Switzerland from Italy in the shadow of das Matterhorn.

Past time?

Isn't this the same as activity?? Cooking. A love, and gift, I got from Ernistine.


You are kidding right?? I am watching one now, watch too many probably, but love many. I am watching Sabrina, the remake, with Harrison Ford. Very well done and very funny. The answer is I love movies, not Horror, and not stupid, but other than that, most. There will be a link here soon to my movie suggestions for those that are interested.


I have to think about this for a while. When I was younger, Old Man and The Sea. Later, Of Mice and Men.

How would you describe yourself?

Crazy. Caring.

If you could do anything in the world what would it be?

Retire. That is not the answer, but I don't want to answer right now.

Mentor (read help others learn from the multiple of listakes I have made)

Thank you again for getting this far with me.

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