Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bicycles, Rocks and Other Fun Stuff

Does anybody even know what a "banana seat" is anymore? Great for popping wheelies or giving a cousin a ride. You all should know not to throw large, sharp rocks in the direction of other people, if you don't I can tell you it is not a good idea.

Want to know what else is not a good idea, drinking Fanta orange soda bottle after bottle, 43 to be exact. If you don't throw them up you win. If you do throw them up you feel better afterwards.

Little tiny weights and old clamps, first in the bedroom upstairs and then in the basement. This was just the beginning. Taking out your frustrations over fathers on the heavy bag next to the table saw, that was kinda fun too.

There was the toy gun incident when it seemed like all the siblings came to get me...what was I going to do the one holding the gun was bigger and stronger than all of us at that time. If only that could have lasted.

Oh, and lets not forget the attempted use of a cousin to break one's fall on the ice. Waking up in the training room to smelling salts and not skating again until adulthood.

A ride to Boston planned. Another hour spent beating up the bag instead, and bleeding knuckles.

How about waking up on the double yellow line in the development just on the other side of Mineral Spring. Just one of many things you introduced me to that we probably should have known better about, but then again we never did.

And then there was all that time on the water in the summer.

We spent a lifetime together, having fun and causing trouble. Who knows which ideas belonged to whom, they were almost all bad ideas, and that is what made them fun, and crazy and worth doing. Actually, having a partner in crime is what made them fun, and crazy, and worth doing.

I am sorry I was not there as we grew older. I am sorry that life was so hard for you and I very much wish now that there had been something I could have done, or at least that I had tried. I guess we both just got too busy trying to get out of our own way.

I am glad we had the childhood we had to build a lifetime of memories, and as always seems to be the case, I wish I had an opportunity to tell you all of this now.

Farewell Ant, all my love.

Thank you again for getting this far with me.

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