Sunday, April 11, 2010

Its Simple

For as long as he has been playing golf I have liked Tiger Woods, and for just as long, or longer, I have disliked Phil Mickleson.  I have come to realize that the reason that each of these things is true is simple, and the same.

Aside from the fact that Tiger is a cool nickname, and Lefty is a name you can't trust, Tiger expects to win every golf match he ever enters, is never satisfied with his game if he doesn't win, and most often is dissatisfied when he does, and Phil is always happy.  Phil has never been dissatisfied with his play.  All those times that Phil came in second, choked down the stretch, his response was always the same, "I hit the ball well," "I played my best," "I am happy with my result."  Tiger takes months off, does not putt well on Thursday, has an OK Friday and Saturday, and had no idea where the ball was going off the tee on Sunday and winds up in 4th place 4 shots behind Phil, and calls his Masters return "unsatisfactory."

The whole golfing world, not to mention 80 % of those polled on ESPN, said that if Tiger finished in the top 10 this was a huge success, and Tiger responds by saying this weekend was "unsatisfactory, I came here to win."

Maybe Tiger should run for President??!!  He has the brains, the pride, the desire to be the best and now the scandal.  Just a thought.

Thank you again for getting this far with me.

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