Tuesday, April 27, 2010

You Heard It Here First - Take Six - MCLA Division 1 2010 Playoff Seeding

First congrats to Florida and Texas State for being the first two in officially, two teams I had written off a few weeks ago.  After spending most of the year believing that Texas State was the best team down there, I faded on them after some last season losses, and solid play by Texas, but they got it done when needed most.  Now it gets interesting.

Second, I fail to see the wisdom with the MCLA Mag and Website guys giving us a poll every week all season long and then not putting one out after the last regular season week, but then again I often fail to see their wisdom.  I also fail to see the wisdom of Laxpower using the CollegeLax poll in their calculations.  Eventually some of the egos are going to have to come together for the betterment of the MCLA.

Third, I have just done what I gave the committee a hard time for doing last year, which is I have moved Colorado to the five seed.  This will be at the very least controversial because some will argue they do not belong in the tournament at all, but based on what they have done in their past six games they are just as good, and in most cases better, than everyone in the top ten, including Michigan, so how can you leave them out, especially when you compare them to the team that would probably take that spot, UCSB.  UCSB went last year when they didn't deserve to be there, maybe this year they deserve to be there, but don't go.  There just isn't room with two teams taking AQs from outside the top 16 and a third, either Illinois or Lindenwood, about to do the same thing.

No matter what happens, this is the field as of now, and it is a much stronger field than last year for sure, at least from top to bottom.  By the way sorry VTech, but you didn't deserve to ranked as highly as you were all year and now you get bumped as well.

Colorado State
Simon Fraser
Arizona State
Michigan State
Florida State
Cal Poly
Boston College
Texas State

Thank you again for getting this far with me.

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