Thursday, March 24, 2011

No Way to Know

I walked into an office today that I was asked to visit and walked out with a sizable sponsorship for our team.  The point?  I am best one on one, or commanding a team.  I am a reluctant leader, and a sensitive lover.  I am giving and generous, not just to a fault, but to my own detriment.  I am both right and left brained, apparently, because I can act, write, paint, and design bridges, build buildings and teach math.

I don't even get me, but am still trying.  I am a geek, and a jock, an artist, and a scientist.  An introverted extrovert, or an extroverted introvert.  I can watch movies all day long or vedge out n front of a TV.  I can get more done in an hour or a day than most people can in a month, and with all of this said, I am the least secure person I know.

If I won the lottery I would keep just enough to live modestly on( nice house, new Volvo XC to replace the one I have now and finally the Porsch Carrera that I have wanted forever, and almost bought when I lived in Europe, just to honor my Uncle Ed) and then I would divide the rest up between my mom, my three sisters and my nieces and nephews, plus the friends that have always been there for me.  Whatever was left would go to cancer research.

If you are looking for a sugar daddy then you are right we are not a match, because I have taken care of everyone else all my life and left little for myself.  Other than that all you can say is that you do not want to get to know me, or find out, because you don't KNOW me at all.

Text, phone, e-mail, that is no way to communicate let alone get to know someone.  Touch, smell, feel, look, listen, breath...that is the only way...

Thank you again for getting this far with me.

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