Monday, June 8, 2009

First Off

Let's start with the title of this blog.

I have been using this phrase more and more as I move down whatever path this is that I am on because I think I have finally come to realize that I have not been the one steering for quite some time. No, to those of you that have been trying to convince me that He is trying to get my attention, I have not yet accepted that there is a "man behind the curtain" pulling all of the levers of my life, but I have at least tried to come to a point in my life where I realize I cannot control EVERYTHING that happens in my life, or around my life, and so "it is what it is" has become my way of reminding me and others that I am trying to accept something.

I am nowhere near a place where I have actually accepted anything necessarily, and I definitely have no idea what I would even be accepting, but I am getting there.

Now, why blog.

Honestly, the impetus for this is not really overly significant, at least not in the grand scheme of things; however, there did seem to be a strong push in the blog direction. I love movies. There I said it. They say the first step is admitting you have a problem, and although I have no idea who “they” are, nor do I care, I do love movies and I do watch a significant number of movies. I have found that I can no longer go to the local Blockbuster without winding up answering a question about where movies are, how they are organized there, or what I thought of a specific movie, and yes I actually like providing this feedback to those who ask, and even at times to those who do not. The other night by the time I left Blockbuster I had given a very nice couple six different movies from which they were trying to make their choice, they covered various genres, and some were off the beaten path a bit, yet they were movies I had enjoyed a great deal.

As the movie blog has been "marinating" in my brain, a concept stolen from a "Kissing Jessica Stein," I realized that I find myself often thinking about all sorts of stuff, all day long, where I think of writing a letter to the editor, or calling a friend and saying you are not going to believe what I just saw, or heard, or discovered. If these thoughts find their way out to people outside the local newspaper, where the chances of them running the letter is slim anyway, and especially if these thoughts get out to people I am close to from all over this country and beyond, then that to me is worth spending the time doing this.

On the outside chance that someone will read something that I may write here and be caused to think about something differently, or take a stance themselves, even if that stance is opposite that of mine, or best of all are someone moved by what I have written, then this time is extremely well spent. If one person a week is moved by something I have written here then I can affect 50 people a year for the rest of my life, and again that to makes this extremely worthwhile.

Lastly, I truly love writing, but have never been able to write without a muse. My wish is that this blog will become my vehicle to reach many a muse out there, known and unknown to keep me writing, thinking, growing and sharing. I am not promising enthralling literature here, but hopefully you will find something you enjoy along the way.

Thank you for getting this far with me.

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