Friday, February 19, 2010


In response to a comment a heard on Mike and Mike this morning.

I am not putting the "blinders" on, nor is the American public, but thanks for insulting Americans. Tiger Woods has already apologized, and you guys, ESPN, have published his apology multiple times in multiple ways. If either of you had an affair, or two, or three, your own network wouldn't cover it daily for three months. How many stories has ESPN had in the past few days, since the time of Tigers announcement was released, with the headline "What Will Tiger Say?" You guys don't know so how about waiting until he actually says it and "report" on what was said, and the response from his peers and leave it alone. Your own ESPN poll shows every state in the country saying it is none of our business, but that does not feed the machine does it?

It is not just this story. I know I am not the only one that would like ESPN to go back to "reporting" on the events that happen in sports, instead of creating "stories" in the sports world.

Tiger Woods did some things that hurt a lot of people, but those people are family and friends and no one else. Accenture, a place I used to work, and all the other sponsors, can choose to stand by him or not, but they have made literally billions of dollars off of Tiger Woods hard work and success over the years, and so other than an apology he owes them nothing.

The PGA tour has made countless amounts of money over what they would have with a Tigerless tour. He has apologized to those that run the tour, and I am certain to those on the tour he is closet to and again owes the rest of us nothing. Not to mention the fact that all the guys on the tour during his rehab for his knee, and now in the past 3 months, have made more money with him not playing against them then they would have.

I realize that ESPN, like the rest of the news media today, has, by the nature of our society, been moved into the realm of Tabloid journalism, but if it were up to me you would all be required to view All the Presidents Men, Shattered Glass, and old video of Walter Cronkite.

Let's try reporting on what he says today, and then reporting on his golf and nothing more.

And yes, you can write this off as another nut lashing out at ESPN success, or you can actually take a look at what you as a "news" outlet put out every day.

Thank you again for getting this far with me.

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