Saturday, February 20, 2010

Unfinished Business

Three years of work. Three years of sacrifice. Three years of focus on doing the job that I was hired to do. Taking what amounted to a program as bad as the "Bad News Bears," with recreational drugs, and working towards a standard set by Virginia, North Carolina, Gettysburg, Middlebury and Salisbury. Three years of trying to get players that wanted to play the game more than they wanted to...pick your own phrase for moronic, adolescent, irresponsible, college behavior.

Go from a roster of 17 players, 5 of whom could play the game, to a roster of 34, 30 of whom can really play the game. Go from everyone is at risk for academic probation to one or two are. Go from a team that is top heavy, and that does not care, to a team that is loaded with underclassman that can play the game and love to do so.

This did not happen by accident, and it happened in the exact amount of time planned for, discussed, and promised. The only problem is that somehow this is no longer my job to finish. Not because the results were not there, not because I did not do what I was hired to do, and not because the program was not on a path to continued success, but because I did what I said I was going to do and too many people were made to look at themselves in the mirror and did not like what they saw.

It is much easier to get rid of the mirror than it is to change.

Thank you again for getting this far with me.

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