Sunday, January 1, 2012

Run for the Roses

It is now or never, or at least it seems that way.  Time is moving faster and faster and standing still all at the same time.  Life is one big paradox, an oxymoron and a constant contradiction in terms all jumble up in one.  I am definitely lost, but I am making good time.

If there is ever going to be a time to recapture some of who I am, who I was, it better be now.  There simply is no more time.  I went from feeling young, acting young and having fun, to some extent, to feeling old, fat, tired and DONE.

Paint, write, take photos, eat well, exercise, and see what happens.  I think that I have literally been saying "I will start tomorrow" for the last four years.  The last time I exercised was four years ago tomorrow, which is not exactly true, but close.  I went for a long run back from the practice field at the University of Texas at the end of that March, March 2008 I guess, and then started up again in August, injured my knee, and the rest , as they say is history.

I have a job I don't like, at all, but am good at.  I fake it more now than ever in my life, and that has been for as long as I can remember.  I saw a guy on 50 Minutes tonight climbing mountains and saw this wiry 165 pound dude and thought where did he go.

I may not ever be 165 pounds again, and I may not even ever be able to ski and hike and feel young and strong and good again, but perhaps it is "don't go down without a fight" time.

Thank you again for getting this far with me.